Black Panther/Street Moto, Baghira, Enduro, Mastiff, Skorpion Traveller and Tour.

Moderators: DAVID THOMPSON, phlat65

Postby Wonky » Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:21 am

Hahahahahaha! Yo dude, hows the eyes doing? All good i hope!

Yes the MZ Factory bike was indeed the one ridden by our good friend Elliot Burgess, incidently you should see his Midi-Motos, 125cc and waaaay wicked fun...oops i better shut-up or you'll be racking up the credits on the plastic too! :D

When you come down for your wheels buddy i will give you some piccies on disc if ya want some!!! We have some amazing pictures of the Supermon racing, did you know Elliot broke the Brands Hatch lap record...ON HIS SLOWING DOWN LAP!! Hahahahaha! How mad is that!

As far as the carbon stuff goes, at least when ya get it i won't moan at you about it, tell you to sell it cos your not using it enough or because i want some new shit to show-off to my friends or try and take half of it!!!LOL!
Once it's all done you guys can come down and gladly have a play, newsflash.....sssssh...the engines about to go in and shes a very very fast quick its gonna compress my spinal cord!!!!OUCH!

I'm up for a blast when you are buddy!!!! Just got to sort a few things out and we will plan a day for sure, Keith Cross is coming too! :D Plus a ton of my Supermotard nutcase loonytoon mates that will no doubt make a few people laugh, their excellent guys, real fun loving with a taste for mentalism!!! :-D Let me know when your coming over....PM me dude, your wheels are waiting!!!!!

Oh yeh, i have had some success with bodywork but i'm now considering a carbon fibre tank too? Wht do you think?????Worth it or just stick stuff to the existing one? I'm in limbo at the mo, any ideas?
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Postby Wonky » Mon Oct 02, 2006 4:42 am

As requested Whysub........
"This bike really did raise the bar although many mocked its arrival! The year 2000 saw it take the Championship title....i love it more than any other bike on the planet....for real!"
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Postby sdbct1 » Fri Oct 06, 2006 2:34 pm

Dude you make me want one just that much more, Now who would like to tell my wife i need one? :-D
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Postby Wonky » Sat Oct 07, 2006 1:23 pm

Hey wifey, he needs one, he's promised to wine and dine you for ever, do the dishes, hoover, iron, buy you new shoes on request and anything else you want.....just don't expect these promises fullfilled once the bike arrives and the garage doors locked till 3 in the morning and the van drives off every Saturday morning at 4am and he doesn't return till 9pm Sunday night!!!!! :smt076

By the way guys and gals, great news, i have finally had luck with the Carbon hugger and chain-guard for the Baggy...sweet! Will be available soon. I have decided on a radical rear end, probably not what your expecting, or me actually. I had something in the workshop, chucked it on the rear sub-frame for a laugh....then we all stood back and went...shit!!!!! It fits and it looks wicked, can't say yet but the reveal on the project is just around the corner, i promise! Spent all day cutting about and playing and it has come on leaps and engine about to go in also....

BUT!!!!! The last post i put here was nearly my last ever, today, on the way home from work, i had the closest heart stopping moment i have ever had on the road. My route home takes me through a small village with country lanes, on the last leg before the long straight home is a dual lane country road with a long steep left hander. I had a woman driving a people carrier about 3 bike lengths in front of me going into the bend, travelling about 35-40 MPH! As i turned the bike into the corner i saw BRAKE-LIGHTS!!!!!! Nothing in front of the woman she just decided i was too close, i had to stand the bike up to apply the brakes and was thrown into oncoming traffic, as i pulled her back in the woman in the people carrier was beside me and a Jaguar DB-whatever came steaming round the heart sank and i made the decision to open the thottle to regain control of my direction with this stupid bitch right beside me...the Jag missed me by mm's, if i was on a road bike i would have been road-kill for sure! I powered past the car and came up to two more vehicles, fortunately there were no more vehicles coming and i managed to pass the other two cars and get out of the way. With my heart in my mouth i just kept going untill i felt safe enough to stop and gather my thoughts, if i had stopped i think i would of done something really stupid like lose my temper on the stupid woman in the people carrier. I was sooooooo scared and upset at what had happened that i started blaming myself for the incident! It happened so quickly and i had left plenty of room to brake but i had no choice other than to take the action i did, otherwise i would have lost the front end and would have ended up under the front of the Jag with my bike on top of me!!!! :cry: What is wrong with the attitude these people have against motorcyclists, it nearly cost me my life!!!!
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Postby moes1badcat » Sat Oct 07, 2006 5:33 pm

jeeeesuuuusss!!!!!!!!!! i don't think i would have waited to get my thoughts together, been there i know how you feel it's like you want to just freeze but ya know you have to get the MOTHER F--K out of their, stupid ass ding bats if they're not on the phone they're doin make-up.(STAY HOME AND DO THE DISHES!!!!!!!!!!)
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Postby sdbct1 » Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:54 am

Thank God the Man upstairs was watching out for ya. Don't ya just love dumb ass drivers? New Hampshire has it's share too. Come to think of it, We have more than our share, we need to send them on the road terrorists drive. Make a nice new weapon/deterrent? Glad your still around, Wife still not buying the need part, but im working on her some more. :-D
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Postby Randew2U » Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:41 am

I know what you mean. Thanks for being here. Yesterday on the news here in upstate New York, a man and his wife both were killed on a motorcycle and the 85 year old driver who was involved and is being investigated in the accident was hospitalized then released. Be careful near Colleges, where inexperienced drivers congregate in mass, and look out for gray haired seniors and soccer moms in vans, parking lots. Of the few close calls I've had, these were generally the nimrods. Take defensive driving for your car and allways comment on the course evaluation to include more on living with motorcycles!!
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Postby Wonky » Mon Oct 09, 2006 6:52 am

Thanks guys! I really cannot get the incident out of my head yet :? The whole thing has been bugging me since Saturday and on the way to work this morning i travelled down the same road the incident happened and was amazed how two cars and a bike managed to go through the corner without contact. If i didn't have the torque to pull myself out of the way i would without a doubt have been 6ft under! The ignorance drivers have towards Motorcyclists is shocking. I think that everyone in the UK should have to take a driving test that includes motorcycles as well as a car test, if they fail either then they shouldn't be allowed on the road, pure ignorance nearly cost me my life!!!!!
Last edited by Wonky on Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Fil » Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:53 pm

Sh*t mate - glad you're ok!
I don't do many bike miles these days, but I've had a couple or three close ones, and like you I wondered if I was to blame for one of them. Having retraced the steps leading up to the incident, I realised it was purely down to the idiot, short-sighted car driver how pulled out infront of me who then swerved back across onto the other side of the road as I was taking evasive action to go round him. I left a snake of black rubber off the back tyre about 20 yards long before letting off the brakes and squeezing between the idiot driver and a truck coming the other way...
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Postby Wonky » Mon Oct 09, 2006 4:28 pm

The big mans been looking out for some of us mate, gotta grit your teeth and open that throttle.....straight to the toilet to spray the pan! Scary, but it certainly pricks your senses up a tad!!!! :-D
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Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Mon Oct 09, 2006 8:08 pm

last friday afternoon some nut pulled out in front of me in my school bus
i left a 30 foot skid mark with both rear duals would have killed him if i had not got it stopped 2 feet to spair hope i shocked him into not doing that again

and on a road where i was running 65mph and there was a blind spot on my back side with a car in it and he (car driver)jammed it up when he saw me hauling it down or both of us would have Xed him out

nothin like driving with head stuck where the sun does not shine
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
"IN the end times the IDIOTS will be in charge
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Postby Wonky » Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:26 am

Yep, i'm with ya on that one Dave!
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Postby m4panther » Tue Oct 10, 2006 8:56 pm

damn that was close!!!I got hit 3 weeks ago by an old man making a left into his drive way. I stood on the front brakes and had the backwheel just bearly making contact and I got hit in my left shin which caused the rear of the bike to whip out, but not go down. after I had come to a stop a rolled back and yelled at the ignorant bastard then accused him of drinking "I didn't see you" now I got 87 cadillac paint on my pants that doesnt' want to come off.
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Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:07 pm

on a bike that is how you get BROWN stains in your best set of
Fruit of the Loom's

in 50 years i have been down 1 time but boy have i ruined a bunch of
underware from other peoples confusion

may i also note i am a very careful driver slow driver
the rt125 gets almost twice the miles as the saxon tour

and the BMW R90S i had 28 years saw 100 plus mph 1 time in 28 years
and 479,512 miles i have little need for speed

my first 2 girl friends and the wife are all redheads so i go faster than i want most days with out turning the bike on :smt040
Dave 2002 MZ RT125+1995 Saxon Tour(500cc)
1997 MZ 660 Traveller+6/13/09 WV USA
"IN the end times the IDIOTS will be in charge
of everything"
"I like the road less traveled if it's PAVED!"
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Postby OLDMTNCARVER » Wed Oct 11, 2006 9:26 pm

Yes you, hello!
Some time ago I was following a thread and in it I believe you made availible a re-direct to
I had to check it out and one of the pictures was a MZ Supermoto carrrying #9 at the starting line. I had to save and have it as a desk top so I can try to examine and learn. What is the bodywork used on this MC? Tank, radiator shouds, seat, side plates and fender? Rear subframe?
I understand and look forward to seeing what your MZ as others at this site salivate at the pictures you've shared so far!
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