Yes the MZ Factory bike was indeed the one ridden by our good friend Elliot Burgess, incidently you should see his Midi-Motos, 125cc and waaaay wicked fun...oops i better shut-up or you'll be racking up the credits on the plastic too!

When you come down for your wheels buddy i will give you some piccies on disc if ya want some!!! We have some amazing pictures of the Supermon racing, did you know Elliot broke the Brands Hatch lap record...ON HIS SLOWING DOWN LAP!! Hahahahaha! How mad is that!
As far as the carbon stuff goes, at least when ya get it i won't moan at you about it, tell you to sell it cos your not using it enough or because i want some new shit to show-off to my friends or try and take half of it!!!LOL!
Once it's all done you guys can come down and gladly have a play, newsflash.....sssssh...the engines about to go in and shes a very very fast quick its gonna compress my spinal cord!!!!OUCH!
I'm up for a blast when you are buddy!!!! Just got to sort a few things out and we will plan a day for sure, Keith Cross is coming too!

Oh yeh, i have had some success with bodywork but i'm now considering a carbon fibre tank too? Wht do you think?????Worth it or just stick stuff to the existing one? I'm in limbo at the mo, any ideas?