Clothing-A Plea For Assistance

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Clothing-A Plea For Assistance

Postby whysub01 » Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:34 am

Because I use the works bike, my employers have to buy me the riding gear to go with it. I have sorted out helmet, leathers, boots etc, but need a textile suit. No expense is to be spared, but my dilemma is what to have.

Anyone have any recommendations, such as Rukka, Dianese or Aerostitch (not available in UK-have to order direct from the US) or any similar stuff. I have used textile jackets in preference toi leather for years, but most stuff I have bought only lasts a couple of years (about 60,000 miles) before it leaks, loses it insulation properties or wears out. Can't have heated stuff unfortunatel, as the bikes electrics will not cope with any further electrical load.

Any feedback, good or bad is most welcome. thanks
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Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sat Oct 14, 2006 9:58 am

Aerostitch is as good as it gets on this side of the pond but bloody expensive...

also popular here is

hickory nc usa
i have a pair of the jeans and a kevlar shirt
i use K shirt over a long sleave t shirt on hot days
check them out they also make jackets
ar dave
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Postby keithcross » Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:11 pm


I use my bike for commuting every day, in all weathers and also for fun including a bit of green laning etc. I use the cheaper makes of textile gear susch as buffalo. You are right it does only last 2-3 years, but at less than a third of the price of the more expensive brands, it is more economical. I am also not convinced the more expensive brands wil last much longer anyway. JMHO.

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Postby Wonky » Sat Oct 14, 2006 12:44 pm

You can buy a product that re-proofs your clothing too!
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Postby DAVID THOMPSON » Sat Oct 14, 2006 4:59 pm

nothing works like a waxed set of belstafs but since i got old and fat
nothing fits very well :-D and my belstaf jacket was used when i bought it
in 1966 so good is not a word used to describe its condition :-D
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Postby BRAAAP ! » Mon Oct 16, 2006 1:37 am


You get what you pay for, and if you employers are paying then why not get decent kit.. :wink:

Check that the cuffs have an inner lining, my BUFFALO jacket does not and lets water in after 15 mins in rain.

BIKE magazine this month have done a review on a few all weather textile jackets.


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Postby whysub01 » Mon Oct 16, 2006 11:45 am

Thanks all

Seems to be that I can just get the most expensive kit, or I get kit that works-they appear to be unrelated subjects!

Plan tyo ask a few of the couriers that stop near the office. If you are out all day, everyday, in all weathers, then you will know what works and what doesn’t.
I’ve found Hein Gericke kit works well, and if there are any problems, then returning stuff is not a problem.

Waxed cotton Belstaff? Borrowed a jacket many, many years ago, and still remember the marks it left on my shirt, and anything I brushed up against. Perhaps it’s different now, but just not my cup of tea I’m afraid.
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Postby cat » Wed Oct 18, 2006 2:21 am

if employer is paying, get Rukka, don't hesitate. !
go to the website, find the English, and figure out which you want.

there seem to be one or two decent UK agents.

hmmm...somehow, i need to get someone to buy it for me and ship it marked GIFT, to avoid the 30% import duty on clothing here. it's expensive enough as it is.

if you want to read about textile gear - pages / plenty / more than you got time, because it would take days, go to advrider.
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